Machines are only as good as our ability to regulate their temperature. At SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division, we offer the highest-quality antifreezes and coolant chemicals to maximize performance. Customers deciding where to buy propylene glycol and other chemicals can count on us to provide antifreeze storage containers, blending services and more. Get a better understanding of the coolants and antifreezes below, and find out why SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division is your last stop for all your chemical needs.

Quality Chemicals for Peak Performance

To understand what propylene glycol suppliers do, you should understand the chemicals themselves. A coolant is a fluid that prevents overheating of a device. By flowing through or around the device, the coolant transfers the heat produced by that device to other devices that use or dissipate it. The range of coolants is expansive and outlined in more detail below.

Antifreeze, by comparison, is a chemical additive that effectively lowers the freezing point of water-based liquids to prevent rigid enclosures from bursting. It’s usually made by mixing distilled water with an alcohol such as methanol, ethylene glycol or polypropylene glycol. It is most notably used for automotive applicants.

Water As a Coolant

Unlike antifreeze, coolants vary considerably. Water, the most common coolant, has high heat capacity and low cost, making it a good heat-transfer medium. Water is generally used with additives, such as corrosion inhibitors and antifreeze. Very pure deionized water, with its relatively low electrical conductivity, is used to cool some electrical equipment such as high-power transmitters and high-power vacuum tubes. Heavy water — a neutron moderator used in some nuclear reactors — functions secondarily as the coolant. Light water reactors, both boiling water and pressurized water reactors, use ordinary (light) water.

Other Liquid Coolants

Polyalkylene glycol (PAG) — which resists oxidation — is used as a high-temperature, thermally stable heat transfer fluid. Cutting fluid is a coolant that is also used as a lubricant for metal-shaping machine tools. Oils that can be used as coolants for specific applications include mineral oils, castor oil, silicone oils and fluorocarbon oils.

Other Types of Coolants

Fuels are commonly used as engine coolants. For aviation engines, coolants include kerosene and other jet fuels. Additional coolants with specific applications are Freon and refrigerant — these are used to reach low temperatures, such as in air conditioners and refrigerators.

Where Can I Buy Propylene Glycol and Other Chemicals?

For many industrial customers, the answer is simple: SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division is one of the most reliable propylene glycol distributors in the business. From formulating and custom blending services to contract coolant packaging, filling, storage and delivery, SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division partners with you for end-to-end solutions. Our emphasis on quality and customer service is unmatched.

The chemical experts at SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division perform custom blending, coolant filling and coolant storage. We package coolants in the containers and quantities you require — from small and large bottles and cans, up to coolant drums and totes. We also provide safe, secure warehousing of your coolants until you need them — at which time we arrange for timely delivery of your coolant storage containers to your plant from our convenient Port of Houston vicinity. With our comprehensive services and high-quality coolants and antifreeze products, we can ensure you have exactly what you need, whatever the application.

To learn more about coolants and antifreeze, and to find out what SolvChem® Custom Packaging Division can do for you, contact us today.

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